Thursday, February 4, 2010

A little space please?

Dear Mr. Man in the Tan Wool Coat,

When sharing a bench seat on the metro, it is pretty reasonable to expect one to stay within their 18" of space, especially when you are capable to do so. When I entered the train and glanced around for a free seat, I spotted the one next to you and figured I'd have a comfortable ride. Apparently not.

Thanks to you and your need to go past the seat line (I know you were because I checked), I spent most of my ride sitting half on the seat. Luckily, I suppose, I was not limited in space by having an arm rest because I'm certain if I was, I would have one fine bruise on my thigh from being smashed up against it.

When you notice my constant shuffling, sighing (my passive aggressive way to let you know I am annoyed) and how my arm is slightly pushed across my chest because there is no room to have it next to my body, please make some sort of effort to give me some space. As a window passenger, you have more room to push yourself closer to allow more space for the aisle riders. Don't just glare at me like this is MY fault.

A little courtesy, please.

Slightly Bottom-Numbed Woman


EEWill said...

I had a similar experience last weekend on a plane. So unpleasant.

PatrickPDK said...

Omg, I have the same experiences on the metro as you. It's so frustrating that so many people are completely oblivious to your personal space.

Today I actually gave up my seat to stand in a crowd because the lady beside me was chewing her gum with her mouth open... and i've lost my headphones so I am defenseless...