T-Minus 10 days and counting. 10 Days!! 10 Days until I run the longest race of my life. Am I nervous? For sure? Do I think I can make it? I sure do hope so. I must admit, I’ve really been slacking on my training lately. I have a ½ Marathon Training Schedule that started back in the beginning of January. I have it at my desk at work so every day I can see what’s on tap for that day, that week. I started off strongish… the schedule asked me to run 4 times a week, cross train 1 day and stretch and strengthen 1 day. Yeah, so I only have 1 day off?? I nixed that right away and stuck to a 3 day/week run w/ strengthening 1 of those days.
In the beginning, it wasn’t a problem. My weekday runs were short, starting at 3 miles and increasing ½ mile every 2 weeks. My weekend runs started at 4 miles, and increased by a mile every 2 weeks. Even though it was cold, and I was forced to run the treadmill a lot, I didn’t mind it much. Over the summer, while I was training for Ragnar, I would do the same, but even added in an extra evening run with my coworkers. So if I could do that, this shouldn't be a problem. I started going to the gym after work instead of before and although the gym was more crowded, and sometimes I had to wait for a treadmill, I found I had a lot more energy and it went by much faster.
As February came through, my mileage increased. My runs were getting longer and I was honestly just tired of running. I spent some time on the elliptical every other week instead of doing a run. It’s still strengthening my legs and cardio, so it counts, right? So where am I now? Slacking even more than ever, even though the race is less than 2 weeks away. I was supposed to run 9 miles last week – I didn’t. I told myself I would so it this past weekend, AFTER my 8k race. I didn’t. I was a little tired and although the weather was PERFECT, I couldn’t bring myself to spend 1.5 hours of my lazy afternoon running. I ran a race, that was good enough.
Last night, I was planning on running a short 4-5 mile run after work, foregoing the gym since we now have sunlight longer. Did that happen? Nope. It was a little rainy and kinda cold, so that was my excuse. I do plan on going to the gym tonight, but not to run. I just want to do strength. I plan on tackling a 10 mile run this weekend – I HAVE to. I have to prepare myself for this 13 mile run and having my longest distance only 8 miles, that hardly helps me out.
Part of me feels that since I’m this close to the race, anything I do now won’t really matter. It’s like cramming for an exam. If you don’t know the stuff by the night before, you aren’t going to know it. So what’s the point in running anymore before the race? I’m close enough, right? But the other part is telling me, “Stop being such a slacker!” I paid a lot of money for this race, and I don’t intend on running another. So this is my shot, I have to give it my all. I don’t necessarily have a finish time in mind, I just want to run the whole thing. But I know what I SHOULD finish the race in, and I’m worried that won’t happen because I didn’t train hard enough. I don’t want all this hard work to be all for naught… but I’ve literally run out. I’m so over this running right now that I can’t wait for this race to be done so I can take a break.
I know after the race I will feel an amazing sense of accomplishment, and I am really looking forward to it. But for now, the running isn’t fun for me – the training isn’t fun. And I’m ready to move on.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Everything DOES happen for a reason
It really does. I've had instances in my life where I had felt this was true before... and now we're back around to that point. My place of employment is very fortunate to work on projects that give employees the opportunity to travel around the world. It's pretty awesome and I was elated when I was informed that I would be traveling to India for a project. The news came to me back in the beginning of December and I was "scheduled" to travel in January. Awesome - I have nothing going on in January so this would be perfect. Unfortunately, January came and went and I was not in India. The trip will happen, but we're still sorting through some business stuff before we can determine when we will head over there. But here's where the saying comes in...
Had I gone to India when I was originally slated too, I would have missed my husband's AWESOME show in Baltimore. And if I had missed my husband's AWESOME show in Baltimore, I would have missed the surprise visit from my brother-in-law. He lives in Seattle. Needless to say I was pretty gosh darn excited when I saw him and I was happy to be there. But here's the kicker. My trip to India would have included a side fun trip, after our work was done. To Egypt. I would be in Egypt right now if everything had gone according to plan. Wow. Now I know that my husband isn't the only person happy that I'm here and not there right now. Especially given the current state of violence :/
So is Egypt still on my agenda when I finally get over there? That's still TBD... Don't worry, I will make a safe and smart decision when it comes to my side travel. And if I don't make it to Egypt this time around, I still have plenty of years left to check out the Pyramids and the Sphinx. I just honestly hope all the civil unrest ends soon. I've got a friend staying over there and I'm thinking of her every day.
Had I gone to India when I was originally slated too, I would have missed my husband's AWESOME show in Baltimore. And if I had missed my husband's AWESOME show in Baltimore, I would have missed the surprise visit from my brother-in-law. He lives in Seattle. Needless to say I was pretty gosh darn excited when I saw him and I was happy to be there. But here's the kicker. My trip to India would have included a side fun trip, after our work was done. To Egypt. I would be in Egypt right now if everything had gone according to plan. Wow. Now I know that my husband isn't the only person happy that I'm here and not there right now. Especially given the current state of violence :/
So is Egypt still on my agenda when I finally get over there? That's still TBD... Don't worry, I will make a safe and smart decision when it comes to my side travel. And if I don't make it to Egypt this time around, I still have plenty of years left to check out the Pyramids and the Sphinx. I just honestly hope all the civil unrest ends soon. I've got a friend staying over there and I'm thinking of her every day.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
In my opinion...
LaVar was being a little too sensitive. Let me give you the background to this...
Lately I've been listening to the LaVar and Dukes show on 106.7 The Fan every evening on my way home from work. It's a sports talk show with LaVar Arrington and Chad Dukes (from The Junkies) where they discuss the current issues in sports and what's being talked about the most. Of course it's mostly been about the Redskins and the drama and what's in store for next season. I got to thinking, "What will they talk about when football season is over? Will I still listen because I know I don't care much about NBA and MLB..."
The other night, they were talking about the NBA. Apparently there is something going on about too many tattoos in the NBA (really? who cares). But the NBA commissioner responded with his take on tattoos, comparing them to "fad" fashion statements like afros and earrings.
Let me tell you, LaVar was up in arms about this. He kept commenting about David Stern being racist for including afros in this conversation. Really? Racist? I mean, I obviously don't have any experience or know what the societal implications of this hairstyle is, but as an outsider, I think he's being a little sensitive. I'm certain that the commissioner was simply stating a trend, and could have easily inserted ponytails or a bowl cut. I just don't see it as a racist comment, and this is just my own opinion. Plus, there are PLENTY of white people with afros too... so I just don't see what he was getting so upset about.
Relax LaVar.
Lately I've been listening to the LaVar and Dukes show on 106.7 The Fan every evening on my way home from work. It's a sports talk show with LaVar Arrington and Chad Dukes (from The Junkies) where they discuss the current issues in sports and what's being talked about the most. Of course it's mostly been about the Redskins and the drama and what's in store for next season. I got to thinking, "What will they talk about when football season is over? Will I still listen because I know I don't care much about NBA and MLB..."
The other night, they were talking about the NBA. Apparently there is something going on about too many tattoos in the NBA (really? who cares). But the NBA commissioner responded with his take on tattoos, comparing them to "fad" fashion statements like afros and earrings.
Let me tell you, LaVar was up in arms about this. He kept commenting about David Stern being racist for including afros in this conversation. Really? Racist? I mean, I obviously don't have any experience or know what the societal implications of this hairstyle is, but as an outsider, I think he's being a little sensitive. I'm certain that the commissioner was simply stating a trend, and could have easily inserted ponytails or a bowl cut. I just don't see it as a racist comment, and this is just my own opinion. Plus, there are PLENTY of white people with afros too... so I just don't see what he was getting so upset about.
Relax LaVar.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
We need a little Christmas, right this very minute
I can hardly believe Christmas is only a few days away. This holiday really crept up on us, coming out of nowhere. And honestly, this year, I just don’t feel as prepared, or in the Christmas spirit as usual. I think it has to do with the fact that Bruno and I have been so busy the past few weeks, traveling 4 of the last 6 weekends. It really takes a toll on you. We’ve been going going going and haven’t had a time to rest. Our condo is a disaster because we’ve been so busy and haven’t had the time to get things in order. We haven’t gotten our tree yet because we just haven’t had the time. I was finally able to wrap some presents last night, but I still have shopping and wrapping to do. And even though I feel like I started early, I just feel so far behind. I really think it’s the lack of our Christmas tree.
We plan on getting it on Saturday, then spending the early afternoon decorating it and making our place look a little more in the holiday spirit. But it’s sad to think that the holiday will be over a week after we get our tree… so we’ll hardly have any time to enjoy it. Sure, we’ll keep it up after Christmas and through the New Year, but the tree isn’t as pretty without nicely wrapped gifts under it. Maybe I’ll wrap some extra boxes just for the fun of it, but probably not.
I’m not trying to have a sad and gloomy post, but I’m just airing out a little. Maybe some snow later today will bring about the Christmas spirit. I miss it this year… (although the Glee Christmas helped out a little last week)
We plan on getting it on Saturday, then spending the early afternoon decorating it and making our place look a little more in the holiday spirit. But it’s sad to think that the holiday will be over a week after we get our tree… so we’ll hardly have any time to enjoy it. Sure, we’ll keep it up after Christmas and through the New Year, but the tree isn’t as pretty without nicely wrapped gifts under it. Maybe I’ll wrap some extra boxes just for the fun of it, but probably not.
I’m not trying to have a sad and gloomy post, but I’m just airing out a little. Maybe some snow later today will bring about the Christmas spirit. I miss it this year… (although the Glee Christmas helped out a little last week)
So about that 30 Day Blog Challenge...
Yeah, I don’t think I’m going to finish. So sad, I know. How can it be so hard to write on topics that are given to you? But it is. I started off so strong… and then lost interest. I think what did it was the last thing I was to post – a picture taken of me from 10 years ago. I think I only have 1 digital copy that fits that description, and I just didn’t feel like posting it. So that meant I would need to search through old photos and find one, scan it and then post it. Too much work. I didn’t want to give up… but I’ve got to call it quits. My husband is very unhappy at my lack of posting, so I shouldn’t pretend like I’m actually going to finish.
So farewell 30 Day Challenge, perhaps we will meet again someday…
So farewell 30 Day Challenge, perhaps we will meet again someday…
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
30 Days About Me: Day 9
Day 09 — A photo you took

So how do you choose 1 picture, just 1, of all the pictures I have?? But this is actually the first that came to my mind. This photo is from our big fun group cruise back in 2007. I've always thought about getting it blown up, but what would I really do with a large print of a tropical scene? Doesn't exactly fit with our decor :)

So how do you choose 1 picture, just 1, of all the pictures I have?? But this is actually the first that came to my mind. This photo is from our big fun group cruise back in 2007. I've always thought about getting it blown up, but what would I really do with a large print of a tropical scene? Doesn't exactly fit with our decor :)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Foodie Monday
Sorry for the 30 Day Challenge interruption. I’ve been tagged by Deviled Megs and I feel that I must respond…
What is your favorite dessert?
Hmm… well I’m honestly not much of a dessert person. If I’m out to dinner, then usually. And most of the time for holiday/special occasion dinners. But on a normal, everyday sort of thing, no. I think maybe because I’ve filled up to much on the dinner food, who knows. So when I do have dessert… I would have to say my favorite is this Sweet Mascarpone with Strawberry puree that I get at my parents’ favorite restaurant – Carmello’s. It is amazingly delicious and our waitress (yes, we get the same one every time because her and my mom are friends) always makes sure one is saved for us when we come to eat.

A side dessert note – I think the BEST dessert I ever had was when I was in London for work a few years ago. I had a warm strawberry and rhubarb cobbler, served with my own small pitcher of warm custard. Oh my goodness if you have ever had the warm custard in London (or thereabouts) that I am referring to, you know it is so good that you don’t even really need the cobbler for it. But I didn’t want to be super fatty and just drink the thing down. Yum!!
Ever try to cook something and fail miserably?
Well I’ll have to say it was the 2nd time I tried to make Bruno’s favorite dessert – Brigadeiros. It’s a Brasilian treat of yumminess made from condensed milk, butter and cocoa. To make it, you mix all the ingredients over heat, constantly stirring, for about 30-40 minutes. Once the mixture is “good” you let it cool and eventually roll the mixture into small balls. You then coat the balls in cocoa or sprinkles and enjoy!

The tricky part is getting the timing right on how long you cook the mixture. What happened the first time is that I didn’t cook it long enough and the treats were super gooey, but still edible. Why I failed the 2nd time is because I cooked the mixture too long and by the time it had cooled to form into balls, it was as solid as a rock. Obviously completely inedible. But I didn’t give up and by the 3rd time, I had accomplished the treat. And Bruno loved it!
Is there a dish you haven’t made yet that you would like to?
After seeing Julie and Julia I was set on making the famous Beef Bourguignon that poor Julie slaved over in the movie. The fact that it was such an intense process that turns out to be a food masterpiece is a challenge I hope to embark on some day. When I have nothing else to do. For days on end.

What is your favorite food?
Pasta. Mmmm pasta. But to be exact, I would have to go with my mom’s homemade cavatelli. She calls it gnochhi, but technically, it’s not. But boy is it delicious!!! It is a Thanksgiving tradition to have cavatelli before our turkey feast, one that I neglected to inform Bruno about the first time he came over for Thanksgiving. “I guess they just eat pasta – no turkey here!” So of course he filled his stomach on pasta and groaned when the actual traditional Thanksgiving meal came out. Luckily, my aunt gave me my own cavatelli machine a few years ago and I have been able to make it myself. It tastes good, but never as good as my mom’s!

What is your least favorite food?
PEAS!!!!! Peas Peas Peas are gross gross gross. I’m sorry for all of those people that love them… I just can’t stand them! Through deductive reasoning we determined that my hatred for peas started when I was about 3 years old. I have just finished a big plate of them when my uncle decided to twirl me around. I was having a grand old time… until I projectile vomited on the living room wall. Peas and I were not friends after that.

Do you have any seasonal meals that you like?
I will have to follow Deviled Megs on this one with crabs. I really love them, and I love going to crab feasts. Sure, it’s a lot of work. But all you need to do is pile up the meat and eat it at the end and it’s a delicious treasure. My softball team holds a crab feast every year, and we even snacked on crabs for my friend’s birthday this past September. Eating crabs not only tastes yummy, but brings fond memories of being with friends. I like those.

What is your comfort food?
See “What is your favorite food.” I also “go-to” the Trader Joe’s French Onion Soup. Yum.

Chocolate: milk, dark or white?
Well, I tend towards the dark, but I mostly eat milk chocolate because it’s more readily available. White… eh… only if I’m desparate.
What is your favorite dessert?
Hmm… well I’m honestly not much of a dessert person. If I’m out to dinner, then usually. And most of the time for holiday/special occasion dinners. But on a normal, everyday sort of thing, no. I think maybe because I’ve filled up to much on the dinner food, who knows. So when I do have dessert… I would have to say my favorite is this Sweet Mascarpone with Strawberry puree that I get at my parents’ favorite restaurant – Carmello’s. It is amazingly delicious and our waitress (yes, we get the same one every time because her and my mom are friends) always makes sure one is saved for us when we come to eat.

A side dessert note – I think the BEST dessert I ever had was when I was in London for work a few years ago. I had a warm strawberry and rhubarb cobbler, served with my own small pitcher of warm custard. Oh my goodness if you have ever had the warm custard in London (or thereabouts) that I am referring to, you know it is so good that you don’t even really need the cobbler for it. But I didn’t want to be super fatty and just drink the thing down. Yum!!
Ever try to cook something and fail miserably?
Well I’ll have to say it was the 2nd time I tried to make Bruno’s favorite dessert – Brigadeiros. It’s a Brasilian treat of yumminess made from condensed milk, butter and cocoa. To make it, you mix all the ingredients over heat, constantly stirring, for about 30-40 minutes. Once the mixture is “good” you let it cool and eventually roll the mixture into small balls. You then coat the balls in cocoa or sprinkles and enjoy!

The tricky part is getting the timing right on how long you cook the mixture. What happened the first time is that I didn’t cook it long enough and the treats were super gooey, but still edible. Why I failed the 2nd time is because I cooked the mixture too long and by the time it had cooled to form into balls, it was as solid as a rock. Obviously completely inedible. But I didn’t give up and by the 3rd time, I had accomplished the treat. And Bruno loved it!
Is there a dish you haven’t made yet that you would like to?
After seeing Julie and Julia I was set on making the famous Beef Bourguignon that poor Julie slaved over in the movie. The fact that it was such an intense process that turns out to be a food masterpiece is a challenge I hope to embark on some day. When I have nothing else to do. For days on end.

What is your favorite food?
Pasta. Mmmm pasta. But to be exact, I would have to go with my mom’s homemade cavatelli. She calls it gnochhi, but technically, it’s not. But boy is it delicious!!! It is a Thanksgiving tradition to have cavatelli before our turkey feast, one that I neglected to inform Bruno about the first time he came over for Thanksgiving. “I guess they just eat pasta – no turkey here!” So of course he filled his stomach on pasta and groaned when the actual traditional Thanksgiving meal came out. Luckily, my aunt gave me my own cavatelli machine a few years ago and I have been able to make it myself. It tastes good, but never as good as my mom’s!

What is your least favorite food?
PEAS!!!!! Peas Peas Peas are gross gross gross. I’m sorry for all of those people that love them… I just can’t stand them! Through deductive reasoning we determined that my hatred for peas started when I was about 3 years old. I have just finished a big plate of them when my uncle decided to twirl me around. I was having a grand old time… until I projectile vomited on the living room wall. Peas and I were not friends after that.

Do you have any seasonal meals that you like?
I will have to follow Deviled Megs on this one with crabs. I really love them, and I love going to crab feasts. Sure, it’s a lot of work. But all you need to do is pile up the meat and eat it at the end and it’s a delicious treasure. My softball team holds a crab feast every year, and we even snacked on crabs for my friend’s birthday this past September. Eating crabs not only tastes yummy, but brings fond memories of being with friends. I like those.

What is your comfort food?
See “What is your favorite food.” I also “go-to” the Trader Joe’s French Onion Soup. Yum.

Chocolate: milk, dark or white?
Well, I tend towards the dark, but I mostly eat milk chocolate because it’s more readily available. White… eh… only if I’m desparate.
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